
At Leeward Clinical, we have over 20 years experience in providing training & workshops to professionals and organisations.

Some of the areas we train in include the following:

Training for Organisations


Addiction in the Workplace

drugs, alcohol, gambling, eating disorders


Mental Health Resource training

supporting resilience, recognising depression, anxiety, skills training



communication patterns & effective communication in the workplace


Neurodiversity and Inclusivity in the Workplace

ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Brain Injury

CPD for Professionals

Leeward Clinical offers CPD & training in adult mental health and this includes the following areas:


Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

and its application in clinical presentations e.g. personality disorder, eating disorders, depression/ anxiety, substance abuse


Personality Disorders

presentation, assessment, formulation



alcohol, drugs, gambling, eating disorders, sexual addiction


Risk Assessment

general & sexual violence


Treatment Planning in Complex Presentations


Process Oriented Psychotherapy and Supervision


Working with Resistance